Thursday, April 7, 2011

clothes, clothes and more clothes

Everyone knows that when you get new running clothes you want to wear them more; therefore, you work out more... here are some of my picks.

Basic running tank top... no one likes a sweating shirt sleeve that hangs as you run.

If it were up to me I would bring fab into running, glitter tank top anyone? makes these awesome shirts, yes, sometimes I do want to punch it in the face and anyone enjoying it around me.

Nike tempo shorts, hello... miracle... awesome.. amazing.

Need I say more than this... design. your. own.

Fun bras are needed, I don't care what you say.

Everyone needs a little polka dot

- L


  1. Cute! I LOVE the shoes and those shirts are funny!

  2. Oh my gosh, I want that t-shirt so bad!! I'm absolutely buying that when I get home and start training for my next tri!! It's so perfect!!
